Ready To Use Plan For Travelling To Chile

There is 5300 kilometers distance difference between the northest and the southest point of Chile. It is one of the longest countries in South America. It is the hometown of Pablo Neruda, famous novelist, poet and activist. Today’s post is another one of my Travel Route Series, this time it is Chile I’m going to talk about!

Its beautiful shores, seaside towns, steep mountains, glaciers, wineries, fresh and delicious sea products were great and stole our hearts. We only spend 5 days in Chile. Of course we wished to be able to stay longer to see more. To visit San Pedro de Atacama, Patagonia, Santiago and its surroundings you need at least 2 weeks.

San Pedro de Atacama – Calama

San Pedro de Atacama is one of the best spots in the world to observe stars and the sky. To discover the geysers, deserts and other natural beauties of San Pedro de Atacama which is 23440 km2 wide, you need at least 3 days.

Route Distance (Km) Duration (Bus) Price  Places to See
San Pedro de Atacama – Calama 100 1 Hour 10.000 C.Peso / 15 USD Valle de Luna, Salt Caves, 3 Marry, Death Valley, Geysers De Tatio,Salar de Tara, High Plateu Lagoons
Route Distance (Km) Duration (Plane) Price  Duration (Bus) Price  Places to See
Calama – Santiago 1565 2 Hours 45 Min.  80 to 150  USD 20 Hours 19.000 C.Peso / 30 USD Bellas Artes, Barrio, Pablo Neruda Museum, Parque Araucano, Bella Vista, Cerro San Cristobal, Plaza De Armas, Mercado Central, Cerro Santa Lucia, Metropolitan Catedral

From San Pedro to Calama airport, you can take a shuttle bus which almost leaves at every hour and pick you up in front of your hotel. But you have to call to make reservation to pick you up. The journey takes 1.5 hours.

Calama – Santiago

From San Pedro or Calama to Santiago you can go by bus or plane. The shortest way to go to Santiago is by flight that is 2 hours 45 min. The longest way is  bus ride that is 20 hours. We wanted to save time and chose the much expensive and shorter way of transportation, plane.

Route Distance (Km) Duration (Bus) Price  Duration (Taxi) Price 
Airport-Santiago 18 40 Min. 1500 C.Peso / 2 to 3 USD 15 Min. 9500 C.Peso /15 USD

Santiago – Valparaiso
During summer season, the streets of Santiago will be empty because everybody goes to seaside to enjoy the summer. Valparaiso which is a very cute port city is one of the popular cities on the Pacific Ocean. You can make a daily trip to Vina del Mar for a sea and beach day. You can go up the hills of Valparaiso hill and enjoy the view of city. I recommend you to taste the fresh seafood and the delicious Chilean Wines.

Route Distance (Km) Duration (Bus) Price  Places to See
Santiago- Valparaiso 120 2 Hours 1900 to 3500 C.Peso / 3 to 6 USD Old Town, Cerro Alegre and Cerro Concepción, Pablo Neruda Museum, Vina Del Mar

For more photos of Chile, please visit my Flickr Photo Album.

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