Movies That Will Awaken The Traveller Inside You

There are lots of reasons as to why some people decide to hit the road. Love, longing, running from a life, starting a new life, loosing yourself, finding yourself, being free, being part of something and so on. So everyone hits the road for different reasons, including me 🙂 I want to share some of these movies that really inspired me and made me keep walking and continue traveling.  Be careful cause you too might want to hit the road after watching these movies.

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Best Parts of Life on a Sailing Boat

best parts of sailing

Uniting with Nature

Feeling the wind that touches every part of your body, waves shaking you, sleeping under the stars, seeing different shaped clouds and shining Planktons under the sea during the nights, watching the flying fishes in the sea and the races of dolphins are just some of the best things you will witness during your sailing trip.  All these things make you think of the greatness of the mother-nature.

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