12 Interesting Facts About Colombia,The Land of Coffee and Emerald

Gold Museum Bogota

Colombia was our first destination in South America. We were a little bit wary about Colombia because of warnings we received from some of our friends who had been and had lived in Colombia about crime and robbery. But the capital city of Colombia, Bogota, with its Soho style red brick houses and the queen of the Caribbean Coast, Cartagena, with its Spanish colonial heritage style, a maze of cobbled alleys, balconies covered in bougainvillea totally amazed us. Despite its bad reputation we found out that Colombia is one of the most beautiful countries in South America. Continue reading “12 Interesting Facts About Colombia,The Land of Coffee and Emerald”

Travel Plan For Colombia


Very tasteful and wide range of tropical fruits, famous Colombian coffee, great beaches on the Caribbean coast, gold and emerald reserves and delicious steaks are the first things I remember about my visit in Colombia. Despite many security warnings from some of our friends, we never faced any kind of security problem or saw any type of crimes. We expected worse but after all, Colombia has a very positive image in our minds within its nature, cuisine, friendly people and modern part of Bogota. I hope we can go there again sometime and visit more ads stay longer in this beautiful country.

Anyway, this post in another one of my Travel Route series and it’s about Colombia. Travel Route articles are detailed descriptions of what to see, what to eat, where to go and how to go there and you can use them as travel plans, probably with just a little bit of change to suit your tastes.

Continue reading “Travel Plan For Colombia”