Museum of Broken Relationships – Zagreb, Croatia

I guess there is nobody out there who didn’t wish for love while blowing out the candles on a birthday cake or seeing a falling star or counting down for new year’s first day. We wish for love when we don’t have it and when we have it and break up we go and say “It is all a lie. There is no LOVE  anymore.” Somehow human beings can’t handle to live with or without love.  I want to share this article with you which is about a movie and a museum about love.

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Movies That Will Awaken The Traveller Inside You

There are lots of reasons as to why some people decide to hit the road. Love, longing, running from a life, starting a new life, loosing yourself, finding yourself, being free, being part of something and so on. So everyone hits the road for different reasons, including me 🙂 I want to share some of these movies that really inspired me and made me keep walking and continue traveling.  Be careful cause you too might want to hit the road after watching these movies.

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