How to Buy Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu Tickets Online

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World and is also a UNESCO World Culture Heritage that makes it highly popular and attractive. Actually, even without these titles, Machu Picchu is an outstanding and magnificent ancient city. I bet it is also on the bucket list of many tourists and travelers. Well if yo are one of those travelers, the first thing you have to do after you decide on your trip to Peru is to book and buy your Machu Picchu/Huayna Picchu ticket. Because the number of tickets are limited. Each day only 2500 tickets are sold for Machu Picchu and 400 tickets for Huayna Picchu.

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10 Amazing Facts About Peru,The Land of the Inca Civilization

Lake Titicaca

Here goes my list of amazing facts about Peru. All of them are based on my own experiences and observations during my trip in Peru.

1. Alpacas and Llamas

Like many other countries in South America, in Peru, you will see these lovely animals called Alpaca and Llamas. At first glance, they look so alike. Actually, they both come from camelid family but they are two different genus / kind. Let’s say they are cousins. These animals are being bred for their meats, fiber, and transportation. Alpacas are more preferred for their finer fiber.

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Peru Vacation Costs (Plus Excel Expenses File)

Sacred Valley

Last year my sister and I were travelling in Peru. We only spent one week in Peru where we should have spent at least 2 weeks. We were in the capital city, Lima, Ica, Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu and Puno. Machu Picchu was really a fascinating place. We spent one day in Machu Picchu, walked around the city and enjoyed the magnificent views. You can read all of my previous posts, articles, pictures and experiences about Peru using this link, and for more travel expenses and travel costs information, check my Vacation Cost Series.

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Bam Bam, The Best Ceviche Place in Lima,

Ceviche bambam

I had never heard about Ceviche, a typical and special meal of Peru cuisine before I stepped into Lima. I love foods and consider myself a gourmet so I was surprised that I haven’t even heard of this delicious meal. In my daily life in Istanbul, I always search for new restaurants  and try to taste new flavors. I didn’t know that Peru cuisine has such great taste. As always I wished to stay longer to taste more Peruvian food but then I thought that in fact now I have a reason come back and taste the rest of Peruvian cuisine.

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Sandboarding Adventure


In Turkey, and I assume in many other places around the world, we are used to hear warnings from our parents, specially our mothers. These warnings include “Don’t go out with wet hair or you’ll catch cold.”, “Don’t eat for at least  an hour before you swim or you’ll get  stomach cramps!”, “ Put your sun cream on or you will get sun burn.” , “Don’t stay out till late or you won’t be able to wake up in time tomorrow morning.” , “ Drive carefully!” and the list goes on and on. Today I am going to share a story about me and my sister’s adventures in South America which actually meant ignoring all those warnings 🙂

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Peru Travel Route Details

Sacred Valley-Peru

Machu Picchu, Nazca lines and its relations with aliens , Inca civilization, the local Peruvian people with their colorful outfits, their dark skins and smiling faces are the main things you will probably remember about Peru. Beside these, foods like chifa and ceviche, pisco sour drink and more Inca ruins will welcome you in Peru. We only had to chance to stay for one week in Peru but I highly recommend staying for two weeks at least for anyone who is planning to visit this beautiful country.  To read my other routes, please visit my Travel Route Series.

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